We've created alliances and networked with practitioners and policymakers. We've brought together allies and like-minded organisations, encouraging debate and learning from leaders and innovators.

We've built up support for the Social Guarantee through public and political discussion. We've reached out to policy-makers and opinion formers, produced blogs and media coverage, organised and contributed to events, and developed our social media presence.

We've built up knowledge about different aspects of the Social Guarantee, including examples of good practice and data on costs and benefits. We've collated and showcased relevant publications and generated new research and analysis.
Vision & Goals
An economy for people and the planet. A society where everyone can flourish and feel secure.
“The Social Guarantee enshrines universal services so that everyone has access to life’s essentials, according to need, not ability to pay"

The Social Guarantee in action.
Our project team and guests explore our principles, work and examples

PRIME hosted the Social Guarantee and we have been proudly supported by Network for Social Change, the Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation, the Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust, the Robert Gavron Charitable Trust, and Thirty Percy.
The Social Guarantee makes sure everyone's basic needs are met. It shows how more and better public services can deliver life's essentials within environmental limits. Enough for all, so that everyone can have enough, now and for future generations.
What is the Social Guarantee?

The Social Guarantee is not just delivering services.
The Social Guarantee is not just delivering services. For each of life’s essentials, there has to be a different package of measures. As well as service provision by governments or NGOs, ingredients include state regulation and investment, local initiatives and individual action. Details vary widely but in each case the package complies with the same set of principles.
Examples from different countries suggest what the Social Guarantee could look like in practice.

Local Action
Across the UK there are locally led, innovative service providers stepping in to meet their communities’ needs. Here are 12 examples of local services providing adult social care, childcare, digital access, energy, housing and transport.